jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Forms of irregular verbs - Exercise 1

You answered 9 tasks out of 10 correctly.
That's 90%.
Your results:
1) have -
2) went -
 Simple Past
3) slept -
 Simple Past
 Past participle
4) come -
 Past participle
5) do -
6) met -
 Simple Past
 Past participle
7) say -
8) put -
 Simple Past
 Past participle
9) seen -
 Simple Past
 Past participle

Correct answers: Past participle
10) caught -
 Simple Past
 Past participle 

martes, 5 de abril de 2011


- Elige el significado correcto. 
1. after 
2. behind 
3. above 
4. through 
5. up 
6. under 
7. between 
8. about 
9. with 
10. from 
Lee las siguientes frases, y escribe otra frase con un significado parecido a la primera. Sigue el ejemplo.
You must drink water to live. / You can’t live without drinking water.

1 He plays football very well.
He’s good at .
2 She wouldn’t let me pay the bill.
She insisted on .
3 I appreciate the money you lent me.
Thank you for .
4 Is golf the only sport you play?
Besides , are there any other sports you play?
5 It took me two years to learn to swim.
After two years I succeeded in .
6 I don’t intend to change my job.
I have no intention of .
7 Craig was a farmer before he became a teacher.
Craig was a teacher after .
8 I had a shower after I played tennis.
I played tennis before .
9 The flat was expensive, but we bought it.
In spite of , we bought the flat.
10 ‘Why don’t we go for a pizza?’ said Ruben.
‘How about ?’ said Ruben.
‘Do you feel like ?’ said Ruben.
‘What about ?’ said Ruben.

Discribing picture

In the pictura are two people:
The one of the left side is a woman with straight hair and is wearing a violet sweatshirt and a blue jean.
And in the right side is a man with blonde hair wearing a white shirt, a tie, and pants

A Missing Pet

When i was forteen in aour house we have a Shepherd Dog called Bernardo, he was a good dog but wehen he was dirty it was imposible to have him into the haouse, and his hair was entangled that things makes imposible to take care of Bernardo so my parents decide to give away him to some budy and we loose him.

Geographical Features

Here is a map of Colombia with his features, in it we can see the range of los Alpes that is divided in three, that range traverses colombia from the south to the north at the west side.
At the south we can see so much forests and in the north the geography is more desert not as hot as the sahara but its hot.

A weather forecast

Today the weather is hoter than yesterday, in Bogota, and the sky is sunny, that means that tomorrow it will be a rainy and cold day it that city.

In Medellin the things are differents because today is a wet day, a little bit cloudy, and we think that tomorrow it will be the same, because we are entering into Winter.

lunes, 7 de marzo de 2011


Is the one that rules a nation.

Is a persone who take care of sick people.

Is a charismatic guy thath sings to people who enjoy it.

Is the one thath uses his creativity to make new things.
Basketball Player:
Is a deportist that earns money playing basketball
Is a person who have in charge make cost the laws of a country.
Is a men (women) that makes designesto make graphic the publicist's ideas.
Is a person who have versatility playing a musical instrument and reading music.
Is the one who can make good movements with her body at the rhythm of music.
Is the right hand of a bussines man, the one who answer the telephone calls and organize the agenda of their boss.